Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Stop the Insanity ... Either Market Your Book or Don't Write It


?Judith Briles is my BOOK SHEPHERD and has been for many years. She guided me through my first book, The PeaceFinder?Riley McFee?s Quest for World Peace. She is now helping me publish my husband?s autobiography as well as a book I have written on parenting plans for divorced parents. It would be very difficult to get through the publishing maze without her. She knows the business, has amazing vision, and is remarkably creative. She can spot errors in an instant, which saves money!

?I have enjoyed getting to know Judith and count her as a friend as well as a mentor. Working with her has been my good fortune.?

Joan McWilliams
The Peace Finder?Riley McFee?s Quest for World Peace
Creating Parenting Plans That Work


?Judith Briles knows publishing. She cuts through the myriad of details and snafus that authors face, saving them thousands of dollars in the publishing process.
Judith has authored and published more than 20 books, won multiple awards and has converted her expertise into savvy, doable strategies for authors who want to create, achieve and be financially successful.?

Dan Poynter
The Self-Publishing Manual


? Judith Briles is a powerful locomotive who will get your train on the track and send it all the way to publishing. Katherine Carol has laser sharp insight to uncover and discover your deeper story. Together you have a full team guiding you heart to head and onto your completed project.?

Viki King
How to Write a Movie in 21 Days


?Wow? your Salons are great! Thank you. We have a good focus now to move ahead.
You are a wise teacher. We appreciate you!?

Greg Meyerhoff and Anne Salisbury, PhD, MA, MBA
Eureka! and The Eureka Factor!


?After publishing my book, I knew I needed help marketing not only the book, but myself. I looked to Judith because she exemplified what I am in the process of becoming, an accomplished speaker, author, and a successful and heart-filled business woman. Under her tutelage, I am expanding into national markets and just yesterday, appeared on a TV News show. If you are ready to take yourself from hobby to professional, Judith is the woman who will walk next to you along your path to success.?

Jane Stanfield
Where Is She Heading


?Judith Briles?best-selling author and sought-after national speaker in her own right?is also generous to a fault in sharing her hard-earned publishing savvy. As the Colorado Book Shepherd, she?s unique in that she doesn?t do the work for you. Instead, she teaches, mentors and leads the way, empowering her clients along the otherwise treacherous trails of bringing a book first to press, then to market, and ultimately into the hands of targeted readers.?

Mara Purl
Milford Haven series


?Judith Briles is one of the most strategically creative, professional and competent people I have met in my 20+ years in book publishing.?

Brian Jud
How to Make Real Money Selling Books and Beyond the Bookstore


?Judith Briles is one of the most creative people I?ve ever worked with. She has an amazing wealth of knowledge and experience in the book publishing and marketing arenas, as well as a highly successful track record with her own books. She generously shares her valuable network of contacts in the industry. She knows how to create profitable strategies to publish and market books, is able to quickly and accurately understand an author?s work and offer clear, constructive suggestions

?Judith?s consulting services provide incredible value. I heartily recommend her.?

Victoria Munro
The Small Biz Balancing Act


?Katherine Carol is one of the best coaches in workplace and life skills that I have had the opportunity to observe. She?s also an excellent Board retreat facilitator?several of the organizations I?ve worked with have brought her back for repeat engagements.?

Anne Randolph
Founder, Kitchen Table Writing

?I want to thank you for all your priceless knowledge and expertise that you shared with me to help me to create such a wonderful Product line and book! Amlavi LLC and Iris and Her Amazing Garden would not be so popular among our Fans and their children if it was not for your coaching and publishing advice. I can?t believe how much fun I had in your groups and individual meetings nor the amount of time you saved me. You two took us from a driven idea to inspire people and create positive change in the world to what has become a thriving Product line, Book and our first Boutique store/ Coffee Tea house. Now who saw that coming? You did ? and we all at Amlavi adore you for it!?

Dayn Conrad
Iris and Her Amazing Garden


?One of the smartest decisions I have ever made was hiring Judith as my Book Shepherd. I had a story to tell, but no idea how to proceed beyond the completion of my manuscript. Judith guided me through revision, recommended an excellent editor and made contacts to publishers, all of which ultimately led to a publisher for Out Of Focus?Again. I admire Judith not only for her expertise, but also for her straight forwardness. She is no nonsense and tells it like it is which is what those of us who want to see our words in print completely appreciate. She saved me much time and thousands of dollars, and is the reason my completed book is of the quality I wanted. I continue to seek Judith?s advice as I promote my book and am currently writing a second one.?

Ann Kochenberger
Out Of Focus?Again


?I called Judith when I had issues with an editor on my first book. She was exactly what I needed to rebuild my confidence, get me on track and help me put together a publishing team that works with me. Having Judith as my mentor I?ve been successful in accomplishing many things in a small amount of time. If you want quick results, straight answers and a no BS way to get your book to market successfully. Call Judith!?

Lori Hanson
It Started with Pop-Tarts?


?Judith Briles is an incredible coach. She is the most knowledgeable person I have met in the book business. Her workshops are informative, well-organized and fun and give budding authors inspiration as well as encouragement. Judith sets high standards for herself and also her clients?she is never afraid to tell it like it is. She encourages her clients to be their personal best. Judith?s vast knowledge and experience in both publishing and marketing make her an invaluable resource. She takes a personal interest in the authors she works with; and despite a very busy work schedule, she is only a telephone call away when problems arise and need immediate solutions. I would highly recommend Judith Briles.?

Carol Ann Kates
Secret Recipes from the Corner Market


?Judith Briles is one of the best resources in the publishing industry to help you create and sell your book. Her knowledge, insight and connections to industry experts provide the ability for you to not just create a great book but actually sell it and make money doing it.?

Cameron Fay
Regional Sales Manager, Friesens Corp.


?Not knowing where to begin can be daunting. Until you meet Judith. Working with Judith Briles helped move my book from the computer screen to the printed page.?

Carrie Brown-Wolf
Soul Sunday


?You just finished a masterpiece, just put your creative passion into it, and now don?t know what to do about it? Call for the assistance of Judith Briles, The Book Shepherd. Judith has the knowledge at her fingertips from taking your idea and putting it into words to finding the right editors and the right printers. Need advice on how to market your book? She has a myriad of ideas and knowledge of the ways to do it. Judith is an extraordinary woman who will be YOUR personal shepherd.

?She has been there for us through good and bad, happiness and frustration. We don?t know what we would do without her calmness?we sometimes feel max-frustration.?

Georgann and Jim Hall
Parachuting for Gold in Old Mexico


?Publishing consultants should know publishing inside and out. Few do. Judith Briles does. She has worn many hats?she?s published with major New York houses, then broke away and created her own imprint; has successfully published over 20 books and sold in excess of 1,000,000 copies; understands niche publishing and marketing; has created publicity campaigns for her own work Publishing consultants should know publishing inside and out. Few do. Judith Briles does. She has worn many hats?she?s published with major New York houses, then broke away and created her own imprint; has successfully published over 20 books and sold in excess of 1,000,000 copies; understands niche publishing and marketing; has created publicity campaigns for her own work that landed her on Oprah, Donahue, CNN and even grabbed a cover story in People magazine; she?s penetrated the foreign rights market with her work in 16 countries to date; she has guided and coached many others from creation to completion of their work; she has created and chair several publishing conferences; and she has successfully turned several publishing disasters into successful outcomes for their authors. Judith Briles is the Book Shepherd.?

Rick Frishman
Exec. VP, Morgan James Publishing
Founder, Planned TV Arts


?A shepherd is defined as one who ?protects, guides, and watches over.? That?s exactly what Judith Briles brings to your book and/or speaking project. She won?t write your book for you, but she protects you from making senseless mistakes, she guides you through the meticulous process, and she watches over your journey from beginning to end. Working with Judith is one of the best investments I?ve made in my business.?

Dom Testa
The Galahad series


?I can?t think of another person who has the breadth of experience that Judith does, when it comes to books, publishing, writing?and the art and business that swirls around all of these concepts.?

?Judith knows this biz from every angle: As a writer, editor, publisher, speaker, consultant and entrepreneur. She?s also fabulously creative and wonderfully honest. She?s a breath of fresh air an industry full of poseurs.?

Greg Godek
1001 Ways to be Romantic and The Simple Simon series


?Judith not only saved my book, she helped me create a best-seller! Her energy, wisdom, support, insights, humor and willingness to uphold her commitment were inspirational. As a successful author and publisher, Judith guided me through my journey as a first time author and publisher. She kept me moving through the publishing process, jumping over hurdles and avoiding many pitfalls.

?Not only was Judith instrumental in my writing and editing process, she coached me on how to enter into the world of niche marketing?from presentations to press releases and marketing strategies.

?I have recommended Judith to many of my professional colleagues and other authors who are looking for assistance in writing or publishing. I thank Judith for joining me on my fascinating journey of becoming an author!?

Lynn F. Hellerstein, O.D., FCOVD, FAAO
See It. Say It. Do It! The Parent?s & Teacher?s Action Guide to Creating Successful Students & Confident Kids

?Thank you for all of the valuable information I learned from working with you. My only regret is not signing up sooner!?

Rita Zamora
Making Referrals a Reality


?Judith Briles was a moving force in the development of my book; from the perfect tag line to her perfect edits to sharing all of her perfect resources. Above and beyond all of those very important contributions, Judith?s support and encouragement kept me moving, working and motivated to get my book the Power of Rituals for Women from a dream to a reality. Thank you Judith!!?

Linda Ann Smith
Power of Rituals


?Successful books don?t just happen. As a publisher, I can always tell when an author has had guidance vs. delivering a manuscript unassisted. The books that Judith Briles has steered our way have been award-winning and successful in their markets. It?s not an accident or coincidence. She works closely with her authors, from conception to structure to the ?look? of the finished book. Her authors know what to expect, when they are expecting. Her publishers know what they will get.?

David L. Hancock
Founder, Morgan James Publishing


?I had the opportunity to share with Katherine my ideas and future plans on promoting my book and starting a speaking career. She offered a lot of good advice, both practical and spiritual, and gave me several contacts to help me get started. Katherine is a very good listener who understands what it takes for someone who is taking the risk of starting a new career. She is responsive to questions and ideas and not shy when it comes to pointing out actions you need to take to reach your goals. I found her to be a caring, understanding and positive personal coach at helping put ideas and dreams to work.?

Mandy Ziegler
Publisher, When Your Spirit Calls: In Search of Your Spiritual Voice


?Yes, Katherine Carol is dynamic. Yes, she is charming. Yes, she radiates confidence and brings it out in her clients through her skilled training knowledge and her inspiring presentations and effective strategizing. Yes, yes, yes, yes?all that. But as I thought about the essence of Katherine?s skills and life philosophy, the description that seems to sum it up best for me is this: I?ve seldom met anyone as gifted as she is at teaching people how to turn lemons into lemon aid. Want to know how to outsmart bureaucracies? She?s your gal. Short of funds? She will show you how to get blood out of turnips. Need straight talk to end the nit-picking and nay-saying and get to the skinny? Meet the walking-talking ghost of Coach Lombardi.?

Dudley Lynch
Strategies for the Dolphin
President, Brain Technologies Corporation


?Katherine has unique business and leadership insights that derive from her ability to clearly see an individual?s or group?s needs. Her versatility in applying solutions to a wide range of business and organizational situations is unparalleled. From my vantage point, I have seen Katherine excel as both president of the Colorado Independent Publishers Association and as coach for many authors. Not surprisingly, her writing, in business articles and in her book, expertly draws on her strengths of perception and creativity.?

Shannon Parish
Former Administrator, CIPA Colorado Independent Book Publishers


?When I came to Dr Briles I was uncertain as what I was going to do, however, through her diligent guidance and clear direction I was able to get my project back on track and produce an award winning book. Dr Briles has put in place all the tools necessary for success. It takes a person who is willing to learn, look, listen and receive instruction from the master of book production ? Dr Briles.?

Dr Loren Due
Don?t Say a Word about This


?I will be grateful, always, to Judith Briles for mentoring me ? the only mentor I have ever had! She has had such a positive impact on my life. I try ? every single day ? to pass that gift on??

Marilyn Van Derbur
Miss America by Day


?Judith Briles, aka The Book Shepherd, is a true Shepherd of her flock. When I first hired Judith I thought I was ?almost there?. I didn?t know what I didn?t know. I had only just begun. I now consider myself transformed into much more than I had envisioned becoming. The best part: we?ve only just begun!?

Rhonda Spellman
The Journey, Home from Autism


?If you need a firm, yet compassionate, kick in the bum to get your writing project completed and out the door, Judith Briles is not only the clear choice?but the greatest value. Don?t spend a lot of money on a bunch of different consultants on writing and publishing; work with Judith first to help you create the best team for your writing project and increase your efficiency. Her salons with other authors cannot be beat, with one-on-one follow-up to keep you on track.?

Susan E. Mead, M.H.
Take Back Your Body

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