Friday, December 14, 2012

18 and Under: Understanding How Children Develop Empathy

The mother was trying to hold the baby still, and I was pulling gently on the ear, angling for a better look at the infant?s eardrum. The wriggling baby didn?t like any of it, and her whimpering quickly turned to full-fledged wails.

Suddenly the baby?s 3-year-old brother, an innocent bystander in no danger of having his own ears examined, began to wail as well, creating the kind of harmonic cacophony that makes passers-by wince in recognition. And the poor mother, her hands full, could only look over and reassure him: Your sister is O.K., don?t worry, don?t feel bad.

But really, was that why the 3-year-old was crying? Was he tired and frustrated, scared by the noise, jealous of his mother?s attention? Or was he, in fact, upset because his sister was upset ? an early step toward empathy, sympathy, kindness and charity?

The capacity to notice the distress of others, and to be moved by it, can be a critical component of what is called prosocial behavior, actions that benefit others: individuals, groups or society as a whole. Psychologists, neurobiologists and even economists are increasingly interested in the overarching question of how and why we become our better selves.

How do children develop prosocial behavior, and is there in fact any way to encourage it? If you do, will you eventually get altruistic adults, the sort who buy shoes for a homeless man on a freezing night, or rush to lift a commuter pushed onto the subway tracks as the train nears?

Nancy Eisenberg, a professor of psychology at Arizona State University, is an expert on the development in children of prosocial behavior, ?voluntary behavior intended to benefit another.? Such behavior is often examined through the child?s ability to perceive and react to someone else?s distress. Attempts at concern and reassurance can be seen in children as young as 1.

Dr. Eisenberg draws a distinction between empathy and sympathy: ?Empathy, at least the way I break it out, is experiencing the same emotion or highly similar emotion to what the other person is feeling,? she said. ?Sympathy is feeling concern or sorrow for the other person.? While that may be based in part on empathy, she said, or on memory, ?it?s not feeling the same emotion.?

By itself, intense empathy ? really feeling someone else?s pain ? can backfire, causing so much personal distress that the end result is a desire to avoid the source of the pain, researchers have found. The ingredients of prosocial behavior, from kindness to philanthropy, are more complex and varied.

They include the ability to perceive others? distress, the sense of self that helps sort out your own identity and feelings, the regulatory skills that prevent distress so severe it turns to aversion, and the cognitive and emotional understanding of the value of helping.

Twin studies have suggested that there is some genetic component to prosocial tendencies. When reacting to an adult who is pretending to be distressed, for example, identical twins behave more like each other than do fraternal twins. And as children grow up, these early manifestations of sympathy and empathy become part of complex decision-making and personal morality.

?There is some degree of heritability,? said Carolyn Zahn-Waxler, a senior research scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who has done some of these twin studies. But she notes that the effect is small: ?There is no gene for empathy, there is no gene for altruism. What?s heritable may be some personality characteristics.?

Scott Huettel, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Duke, described two broad theories to explain prosocial behavior. One, he said, was essentially motivational: It feels good to help other people. Economists have also looked at the question of altruism, and have hypothesized about a ?warm glow effect? to account for charitable giving.

Experimental studies have shown that the same brain region that is activated when people win money for themselves is active when they give to charity ? that is, that there is a kind of neurologic ?reward? built into the motivational system of the brain.

?Charitable giving can activate the same pleasure-reward centers, the dopaminergic centers, in the brain that are very closely tied to habit formation,? said Bill Harbaugh, an economist at the University of Oregon who studies altruism. ?This suggests it might be possible to foster the same sorts of habits for charitable giving you see with other sorts of habits.?

The other theory of prosocial behavior, Dr. Huettel said, is based on social cognition ? the recognition that other people have needs and goals. The two theories aren?t mutually exclusive: Cognitive understanding accompanied by a motivational reward reinforces prosocial behavior.

But shaping prosocial behavior is a tricky business. For instance, certain financial incentives seem to deter prosocial impulses, a phenomenon called reward undermining, Dr. Huettel said.

Consider that in the United States, historically, blood donors could be paid, but not in Britain. And the British donated more blood. ?When you give extrinsic motivations, they can supplant the intrinsic ones,? he said.

What would the experts say about fostering prosocial behavior in children, from kindness on to charity?

Parental modeling is important, of course; sympathy and compassion should be part of children?s experience long before they know the words.

?Explain how other people feel,? Dr. Eisenberg said. ?Reflect the child?s feelings, but also point out, look, you hurt Johnny?s feelings.?

Don?t offer material rewards for prosocial behavior, but do offer opportunities to do good ? opportunities that the child will see as voluntary. And help children see themselves and frame their own behavior as generous, kind, helpful, as the mother in my exam room did.

Working with a child?s temperament, taking advantage of an emerging sense of self and increasing cognitive understanding of the world and helped by the reward centers of the brain, parents can try to foster that warm glow and the worldview that goes with it. Empathy, sympathy, compassion, kindness and charity begin at home, and very early.


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More Than Coffee

When it comes to church, it seems coffee is everywhere. ?Because of its?significant?visibility, people often use it as a way (or sometimes the way) of enacting change for the good. ?Thankfully, as a result of conversations about what should be offered, many congregations have chosen to transition to fair trade coffee served in more environmentally friendly cups.?Thomas Turner, program manager at International Justice Mission, recently blogged about the importance of these changes being a starting point rather than an end unto themselves. ?He writes:

?. . . fair trade coffee is not enough. The church needs an ethic that governs the way food is procured and joyfully consumed within the church.

So What?

Just as is true for individuals, so also for congregations: actions often speak more loudly than words. ?How well is your congregation handling coffee? ?The larger issue of all food and drink served on the church campus and off campus for church sponsored events?



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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Video: Public attitude toward same-sex marriage changing

Long-extinct lizard named after Obama

Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: The mass extinction that killed off the dinosaurs also did in lots of lizards ? including a newly identified creature that's been named Obamadon gracilis in honor of President Barack Obama.


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The Factors Affecting The Effectiveness Of SEO Service - Tech Wench

Posted December 10, 2012 /

Internet marketing is the latest marketing trend that targets the online audience. With the present world heavily reliant on the internet, there is no ...

Internet marketing is the latest marketing trend that targets the online audience. With the present world heavily reliant on the internet, there is no reason not to engage in acquiring a percentage of the online population. Although an effective marketing strategy is to both engage in actual marketing strategies and internet marketing, it is very hard not to see the advantages doing marketing online has over its actual counterpart. There are a lot of strategies involved in internet marketing. There is affiliate marketing, social network media marketing, and the most popular method, SEO.

Search Engine Optimization makes a company acquire good ranking on search engine sites. This is the means of increasing the online presence of a brand or a business entity. It is not enough for a business to engage in internet marketing. In order for it to stand out and acquire the most number of customers online, a company must employ the best SEO strategies. Every company that is aware of the potential of the online population is already engage in some sort of SEO. The challenge is to come up with the perfect formula to utilize SEO its maximum effectiveness. ?There are several factors to consider in attaining the ideal SEO strategy.

The price is to the effectiveness of an SEO service.

There are a lot of ways to acquire online presence without paying so much money. But the thing is that these organic techniques are constantly getting handled by search sites. Sooner or later, modifications will be necessary to conform to new SEO parameters of search engines. Recently, Google developed the Panda and Penguin update that caused a lot of websites to crash in their rankings.

Paid advertisement and paid SEO are protected against these kinds of algorithm changes. This does not mean that search engines favor businesses that pay for ranking, but as people say business is business. However, there are organic SEO strategies that are still applicable to the ever changing parameters of search engines.

Hiring an agency that specializes in SEO can be expensive. But the funds shelled out to acquire such service should be considered as investment. Provided that the service agency delivers good results, the expense will spell returns and profits in the long run.

The credibility of the service provider determines the effectiveness of the service. When selecting the SEO specialists to be hired, make sure that it has a great portfolio of success. To minimize the risk of hiring the wrong agency, ask for referrals from successful SEO websites or make an extensive research before hiring. Another strategy to minimize the risk of losing too much marketing money on the wrong contractors is to make partitions or phases then outsourcing the service per phase. Hire a contractor for website content and hire another one for the web design. Acquire the service of another contractor for consultation and another to execute more advanced SEO strategies.

The concept that the more expensive the service, the more effective it is. There are a lot of SEO companies that offers a relatively affordable service fee and delivers great results. There are a lot of means to cut SEO costs and still achieve the desired output and improve online visibility.

The SEO method used makes or breaks a website. The most important factor to consider in attaining site optimization is the SEO method used for a website. It is very obvious that each and every website varies in one way or another. Diversity is already present in terms of the business venture of websites. Although there are general SEO techniques that work for any website, it is obvious that a method of SEO that works for website A would not always be effective for website B. It should also be noted that achieving a respectable rank in search sites could not be done with a single SEO strategy. It has to be a combination of various SEO methods that are designed to match the business or the brand represented by the website.

Here are some SEO methods applicable to any business website

  1. Social Network SEO ? This is a very easy and effective means of optimizing a website. A good social network visibility affects the ranking on some search sites. It is important to be updated on the current activities of the page on a regular basis to retain the popularity and relevance to the website.
  2. Off Site / On Site SEO? This is the SEO services usually acquired through contractors such as blogs, guest blogs, press releases, and articles. Make sure that these content are not duplicated and not plagiarized. Link baits are also a good way to increase link sharing and website popularity.

There is a specific SEO technique that websites should stay away from. Black Hat SEO misleads visitors and is often hidden from search site checkers. No matter how tempting it may be, bear in mind that this technique degrades the relevance of the keyword, lowers the worth of the website, and eventually can cause the website to be removed completely from the index.

Featured images:

Cedric Loiselle is a highly talented writer providing quality articles for a wide range of niches. These include business and finance, Internet and SEO, as well as home improvement and real estate.

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Saturday, April 14, 2012

ShopAndroid Daily Giveaway #50: Motorola Platform HD Dock, POP! Case for Droid RAZR & more!

Friday's here, which means we've got one more giveaway for everyone before the weekend.  Today's giveaway items include the Motorola Platform HD Dock, Case-Mate POP! Case for Droid RAZR, Seidio ACTIVE Case for Nexus S 4G, and the Seidio SURFACE Case for Samsung Stratosphere.

To become eligible to win one of these featured items, just leave a comment below stating which accessory you'd like for your Android device.  We'll select one lucky winner at random and announce them next week, along with all the giveaway winners from this week. Good luck!

Motorola Platform HD Dock

The Motorola Platform HD Dock has a unique design that allows for use with most Motorola Tablets and Smartphones so one station meets all your multimedia needs.The sliding connectors and back plate adjust to fit multiple devices with or without a carrying case, extended capacity battery door or wireless charging door. Connect your phone or tablet to your HDTV or monitor to watch the action on the big screen. Works with Droid 4, Droid XYBOARD 8.2, XYBOARD 10.1, Atrix 2, Photon 4G, and Droid Bionic.

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How to Brand Your Non-Profit Business - Russell Brogan's blog

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Friday, April 13, 2012

American Idol Results: Elimination Night Shocker!

American Idol treated us to seven great performances last night.

But the remaining finalists were forced to look ahead on this evening's results show, as America voted and revealed an inevitable, but sad result for one aspirant:

He or she is going home. Who's on to the top six and who's out?

American Idol Top 7

It looked briefly like fan favorite Phillip Phillips might be in danger, but it came down to a surprising bottom three: Jessica Sanchez, Joshua Ledet and Elise Testone.

That's right, arguably the three best singers remaining on the show were in danger of getting booted, making for the most gut-wrenching elimination this year.

The contestant getting the boot this week was an even bigger stunner, too. Who was it? You're not going to believe it, but the lowest vote-getter was ...

Jessica Sanchez.

The studio erupted in chaos at this news, but as she began to sing for her life, she was interrupted by Jennifer Lopez, who informed her that she had been ...

SAVED by the judges!!

There it is, the one and only judges' save of the season, used on a powerhouse performer who definitely didn't deserve to be in danger, let alone go home.

"We are saving Jessica, without a doubt!" Randy said as the judges engulfed her. "This girl is one of the best singers in America! Ever! Are you kidding me!"

"Everybody, please vote for the best! Come on!"

It remains to be seen if America will heed his words a week from now, but for now, all seven singers survive heading into next Wednesday's Top 7: Reloaded.

What do you think? Did the judges make the right call?

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Divine Writers ? Great Social Media Marketing Ideas Through ...

Knowing what it takes to create an effective social media campaign is important, so do your research before you even draft up your plan. You should focus on trustworthy sources. The only reason you need to continue reading is to acquire the best advice.

Understand the concept of conversation on Printing Orange County business. What many companies forget is that once a customer gives feedback, they are opening the door for conversation. Start a conversation with your customers who leave feedback in order to develop your relationship with them. You can serve them better, and improve your business?s performance, by cultivating a genuine interest in what your customers want and need. Register for Yahoo and take a look at questions posed on Yahoo Answers. This website lets users post questions and receive answers from others who may have the information they need. Research any questions that are related to what you offer and then write answers to these, mentioning your products. You can become an expert through giving quality answers in a specific category.

Make use of your company title being an profile title on social networking websites like Tweets or Facebook or twitter. Staking a declare in your business?s title on these websites will avoid somebody else from publishing content material which is meaningless or perhaps harmful for you. Even though you are far away from regularly using the profile, you?ll have staked your declare in your title. When you?re putting a video clip on YouTube, your explanation ought to include a textual content connect to your website on the internet. Also make sure to location Tweets and Facebook or twitter control buttons on your own channel, and aside of the video clips. Whenever your clients decide to include one to their Twitter and facebook accounts, your video clips is going to be available to all of their close friends.

Seek information in the marketplace you want to objective by means of social media marketing when you are interested in info in relation to your present or upcoming goods. Many individuals want to talk about their thoughts on goods they normally use, which will keep you knowledgeable and permits these people to think that their voices are read. They will likely give understanding of specifically what they need and whatever they are trying to find, which is free of charge.

As the start of this short article went more than, this is a excellent factor for the company to discover great details. You are going to reap the benefits of understanding all you can about how exactly social networking marketing and advertising can meet your needs. Implement the recommendations and ideas indexed in the preceding paragraphs, and you?ll see marketing and advertising dividends soon.

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How French Presidential Candidates Can Learn To Spell ?Entrepreneur?

112059v2-max-250x250This is a guest post by serial entrepreneur Nathalie Gaveau. As we get closer to the first round of Presidential elections in France on April 22nd and everyone is focusing on the French economy, it seems like a perfect time to talk about supporting and promoting entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in France. Yes, we invented the word. But sometimes in the past it's felt a little like we didn't have it in our vocabulary, as President Bush, in a rare moment of clarity, once pointed out. Despite the criticisms, the government has clearly been more entrepreneur-friendly in recent years. The set-up of the Agence pour la cr?ation d?entreprises (APCE) in the late 1990s and the special fiscal treatment of independent or ?auto-entrepreneurs? has led to a dramatic increase in the number of startups. Moreover, France offers generous tax incentives to young SMEs, companies pursuing R&D even wealthy individuals investing in a startup (known as ISF).

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Thursday, April 12, 2012


High quality, professional web design services are provided by the reputed web design companies to their clients and customers. Web design services are absolutely essential to increase the productivity of websites. Efficient website design and development services boost the traffic, online visibility and search engine rankings of companies? websites. In this age of competitive marketing companies need expert, professional web design services to excel in business and online marketing. Business profits and sales are related to website design and search engine rankings.


There are several website hosting companies in New York that offer excellent website services to boost business. Such companies ?provides the following advantages to its clients:


? ? A web development company provides high quality services to domestic and global clients at reasonable rates.


? ? The website projects are completed and delivered to clients on time.


? ? These web solution providing companies have teams of expert SEO and marketing professionals, skilled web programmers

? ? Web design New York companies utilize the latest tools and advanced technologies.


? ? Any such company offers customized web development solutions to suit individual business needs.

Different companies with different businesses require varying ?website ?services.


Website solution provider companies offer the following web design and development services:


? ? Graphic creation, logo, flash and banner design.

? ? SEO, SEM services and PPC management

? ? Ecommerce site design and development

? ? Website designing- designing the layout, theme, user interface

? ? PSD to WordPress conversion

? ? Content Management

? ? Social networking

? ? Website maintenance

? ? Web applications development

? ? Customer relationship management etc.


Web design services


Corporate identity design- Corporate identity development services include graphic, logo, flash, 2D and 3D animations, static and animated banner works etc. Corporate identity design services help in brand building. Corporate identity web creation services help to uphold the brand identity. Web designers develop visually attractive websites with well managed, informative content. The web designers and developers are proficient in web programming languages like languages such as PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc.


The web programmers of a reputed web development company design websites using attractive flash and graphic designs. The web designers design user friendly interface. The layout and theme of the websites are made attractive and interesting. Websites using flash and animations are designed to be highly interactive and interesting than the ordinary websites. Web programmers from a reputed ?company design the flash based websites in such a manner that the loading time of the flash websites are significantly reduced.


Website graphic involves the use of attractive and appropriate colors, images, fonts etc. A logo is an image or symbol that represents a company. Customized logo created by the graphic experts are attractive, unique and personalized and intelligently describe a company?s purpose and identity. An obscure and general logo design cannot represent a company?s brand identity.


Ecommerce site design- The vital function of ecommerce website is to increase site traffic and to convert site visitors into buyers. Ecommerce website design services are highly demanded nowadays because of the flourishing of the online shopping business. Ecommerce websites need to provide images of the real products along with the prices, descriptions and product codes.


Ecommerce website works basically involves:


? ? Development of shopping cart platforms like Zencart, Xcart, Magento, Cubecart etc. ?


? ? Integration of various safe and secure online payment modes like PayPal, credit cards etc.


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Get Rid Of The Clutter In Your Garage ? Buy The Right Garage ...

Can?t take it anymore? Does the sight of your garage become too bothersome that now you are committing to doing something about it? Achieving this is no different from doing other home improvement projects. You need to plan things carefully, especially when choosing the right garage cabinets. But how do you deal with this? Of course, any successful purchase should begin with developing a budget. By knowing how much you can comfortably spend for your cabinets, you can get started. There are factors to consider when determining your budget but you should aim to provide enough to have a quality storage cabinet that will last the life of your home.

When this is done, your next step is to measure the space that can be dedicated to the storage. Here you should make sure that you have enough car parking space. After taking the dimensions and before deciding on whether to get the slatwall or the overhead storage or any of the options that the online company, offers, make sure you have taken an inventory of your storage needs. By taking an account of what you intend to keep inside, you can make the right choice of cabinet design and configuration. Also, you should know ahead whether you want to incorporate a workbench or how many locked closets you need. At this point, you have to decide about getting a modular or a built in storage. The advantage of a modular cabinet is that you can take it with you in case you need to move.

When you already have a clear idea of the type of garage storage that meets your qualifications, you can now check for a manufacturer. Do your search online to have access to a wider selection. Don?t let pass the opportunity to check, which can provide you with excellent garage solutions along with a lifetime warranty on the products. Here you don?t have to worry about quality and durability anymore because these are already given. You just have concentrate on finding the one that meets the specifications you set earlier. While you browse through the storage solutions the company offers, pay careful attention to the designs. Ensure that the color and style you pick match the theme of your home. Make it a point to meet both functionality and aesthetically to get good value for your money.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Santorum ends White House bid (Reuters)

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New pregnancy risk for babies and moms: Overweight moms with moderately high blood sugar raise health risk

ScienceDaily (Apr. 11, 2012) ? Pregnant women who are overweight with moderately elevated blood sugar never set off any alarms for their physicians. The big concern was for women who were obese or who had gestational diabetes because those conditions are known to cause a host of health risks to the mom and baby.

But a new study shows these women who are just above average for weight and blood sugar are at a higher risk of bad pregnancy outcomes than previously known. In fact, this group is at higher risk than pregnant women who are obese with normal blood sugar or pregnant women who have gestational diabetes and a normal weight.

"These are women who have not been on our radar because they don't have gestational diabetes and aren't obese, but our study shows if you are one step away from each of those, you carry some significant risks," said principle investigator Boyd Metzger, M.D., a professor of medicine-endocrinology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and a physician at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. "We need to address the combination of overweight and blood sugar of these women as urgently as we do for women who are obese or have gestational diabetes."

This group of women comprised about 6 percent of the total number of women in the study. Obese women made up 16 percent of the group and those with gestational diabetes accounted for 13.7 percent.

The study also found women who are both obese and have gestational diabetes are at a much higher risk of having an adverse pregnancy than women having only one of those conditions.

The paper, published in the April issue of Diabetes Care, is from the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Study and includes 23,316 women from nine countries.

One of the adverse outcomes for these mothers is having large babies, the result of fat accumulation. Large babies increase the risk of injury to the baby during vaginal delivery, increasing the likelihood of a Caesarean section.

The study found when the mothers are obese and have gestational diabetes, the babies weigh 340 grams more than babies of mothers with normal weight and blood sugar. When the mothers are overweight (but not obese) with above-average blood sugar levels, the babies weigh 214 grams more. Mothers of normal weight but with gestational diabetes have babies who weigh 164 grams more. And obese mothers with normal glucose levels have babies with an increased weight of 174 grams.

A pregnant woman's higher blood sugar level and weight also can lead to higher insulin and lower blood sugar levels in a newborn. In turn, these effects may eventually trigger obesity and diabetes, perhaps as early as childhood.

"The big message from this is when you look at the impact of nutrition, metabolism and weight on pregnancy outcomes, every woman - on her first prenatal visit -- should get a prescription for a session with a dietician and an appropriate healthy eating plan for her pregnancy," said Metzger, also the Tom D. Spies Professor of Metabolism and Nutrition at Northwestern's Feinberg School. "This doesn't happen, but it should, and insurance companies should reimburse it."

The research is supported by the National Institutes of Health.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Northwestern University. The original article was written by Marla Paul.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. P. M. Catalano, H. D. McIntyre, J. K. Cruickshank, D. R. McCance, A. R. Dyer, B. E. Metzger, L. P. Lowe, E. R. Trimble, D. R. Coustan, D. R. Hadden, B. Persson, M. Hod, J. J. N. Oats. The Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Study: Associations of GDM and obesity with pregnancy outcomes. Diabetes Care, 2012; 35 (4): 780 DOI: 10.2337/dc11-1790

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

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Stop the Insanity ... Either Market Your Book or Don't Write It


?Judith Briles is my BOOK SHEPHERD and has been for many years. She guided me through my first book, The PeaceFinder?Riley McFee?s Quest for World Peace. She is now helping me publish my husband?s autobiography as well as a book I have written on parenting plans for divorced parents. It would be very difficult to get through the publishing maze without her. She knows the business, has amazing vision, and is remarkably creative. She can spot errors in an instant, which saves money!

?I have enjoyed getting to know Judith and count her as a friend as well as a mentor. Working with her has been my good fortune.?

Joan McWilliams
The Peace Finder?Riley McFee?s Quest for World Peace
Creating Parenting Plans That Work


?Judith Briles knows publishing. She cuts through the myriad of details and snafus that authors face, saving them thousands of dollars in the publishing process.
Judith has authored and published more than 20 books, won multiple awards and has converted her expertise into savvy, doable strategies for authors who want to create, achieve and be financially successful.?

Dan Poynter
The Self-Publishing Manual


? Judith Briles is a powerful locomotive who will get your train on the track and send it all the way to publishing. Katherine Carol has laser sharp insight to uncover and discover your deeper story. Together you have a full team guiding you heart to head and onto your completed project.?

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Jane Stanfield
Where Is She Heading


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Mara Purl
Milford Haven series


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How to Make Real Money Selling Books and Beyond the Bookstore


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The Small Biz Balancing Act


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Anne Randolph
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Dayn Conrad
Iris and Her Amazing Garden


?One of the smartest decisions I have ever made was hiring Judith as my Book Shepherd. I had a story to tell, but no idea how to proceed beyond the completion of my manuscript. Judith guided me through revision, recommended an excellent editor and made contacts to publishers, all of which ultimately led to a publisher for Out Of Focus?Again. I admire Judith not only for her expertise, but also for her straight forwardness. She is no nonsense and tells it like it is which is what those of us who want to see our words in print completely appreciate. She saved me much time and thousands of dollars, and is the reason my completed book is of the quality I wanted. I continue to seek Judith?s advice as I promote my book and am currently writing a second one.?

Ann Kochenberger
Out Of Focus?Again


?I called Judith when I had issues with an editor on my first book. She was exactly what I needed to rebuild my confidence, get me on track and help me put together a publishing team that works with me. Having Judith as my mentor I?ve been successful in accomplishing many things in a small amount of time. If you want quick results, straight answers and a no BS way to get your book to market successfully. Call Judith!?

Lori Hanson
It Started with Pop-Tarts?


?Judith Briles is an incredible coach. She is the most knowledgeable person I have met in the book business. Her workshops are informative, well-organized and fun and give budding authors inspiration as well as encouragement. Judith sets high standards for herself and also her clients?she is never afraid to tell it like it is. She encourages her clients to be their personal best. Judith?s vast knowledge and experience in both publishing and marketing make her an invaluable resource. She takes a personal interest in the authors she works with; and despite a very busy work schedule, she is only a telephone call away when problems arise and need immediate solutions. I would highly recommend Judith Briles.?

Carol Ann Kates
Secret Recipes from the Corner Market


?Judith Briles is one of the best resources in the publishing industry to help you create and sell your book. Her knowledge, insight and connections to industry experts provide the ability for you to not just create a great book but actually sell it and make money doing it.?

Cameron Fay
Regional Sales Manager, Friesens Corp.


?Not knowing where to begin can be daunting. Until you meet Judith. Working with Judith Briles helped move my book from the computer screen to the printed page.?

Carrie Brown-Wolf
Soul Sunday


?You just finished a masterpiece, just put your creative passion into it, and now don?t know what to do about it? Call for the assistance of Judith Briles, The Book Shepherd. Judith has the knowledge at her fingertips from taking your idea and putting it into words to finding the right editors and the right printers. Need advice on how to market your book? She has a myriad of ideas and knowledge of the ways to do it. Judith is an extraordinary woman who will be YOUR personal shepherd.

?She has been there for us through good and bad, happiness and frustration. We don?t know what we would do without her calmness?we sometimes feel max-frustration.?

Georgann and Jim Hall
Parachuting for Gold in Old Mexico


?Publishing consultants should know publishing inside and out. Few do. Judith Briles does. She has worn many hats?she?s published with major New York houses, then broke away and created her own imprint; has successfully published over 20 books and sold in excess of 1,000,000 copies; understands niche publishing and marketing; has created publicity campaigns for her own work Publishing consultants should know publishing inside and out. Few do. Judith Briles does. She has worn many hats?she?s published with major New York houses, then broke away and created her own imprint; has successfully published over 20 books and sold in excess of 1,000,000 copies; understands niche publishing and marketing; has created publicity campaigns for her own work that landed her on Oprah, Donahue, CNN and even grabbed a cover story in People magazine; she?s penetrated the foreign rights market with her work in 16 countries to date; she has guided and coached many others from creation to completion of their work; she has created and chair several publishing conferences; and she has successfully turned several publishing disasters into successful outcomes for their authors. Judith Briles is the Book Shepherd.?

Rick Frishman
Exec. VP, Morgan James Publishing
Founder, Planned TV Arts


?A shepherd is defined as one who ?protects, guides, and watches over.? That?s exactly what Judith Briles brings to your book and/or speaking project. She won?t write your book for you, but she protects you from making senseless mistakes, she guides you through the meticulous process, and she watches over your journey from beginning to end. Working with Judith is one of the best investments I?ve made in my business.?

Dom Testa
The Galahad series


?I can?t think of another person who has the breadth of experience that Judith does, when it comes to books, publishing, writing?and the art and business that swirls around all of these concepts.?

?Judith knows this biz from every angle: As a writer, editor, publisher, speaker, consultant and entrepreneur. She?s also fabulously creative and wonderfully honest. She?s a breath of fresh air an industry full of poseurs.?

Greg Godek
1001 Ways to be Romantic and The Simple Simon series


?Judith not only saved my book, she helped me create a best-seller! Her energy, wisdom, support, insights, humor and willingness to uphold her commitment were inspirational. As a successful author and publisher, Judith guided me through my journey as a first time author and publisher. She kept me moving through the publishing process, jumping over hurdles and avoiding many pitfalls.

?Not only was Judith instrumental in my writing and editing process, she coached me on how to enter into the world of niche marketing?from presentations to press releases and marketing strategies.

?I have recommended Judith to many of my professional colleagues and other authors who are looking for assistance in writing or publishing. I thank Judith for joining me on my fascinating journey of becoming an author!?

Lynn F. Hellerstein, O.D., FCOVD, FAAO
See It. Say It. Do It! The Parent?s & Teacher?s Action Guide to Creating Successful Students & Confident Kids

?Thank you for all of the valuable information I learned from working with you. My only regret is not signing up sooner!?

Rita Zamora
Making Referrals a Reality


?Judith Briles was a moving force in the development of my book; from the perfect tag line to her perfect edits to sharing all of her perfect resources. Above and beyond all of those very important contributions, Judith?s support and encouragement kept me moving, working and motivated to get my book the Power of Rituals for Women from a dream to a reality. Thank you Judith!!?

Linda Ann Smith
Power of Rituals


?Successful books don?t just happen. As a publisher, I can always tell when an author has had guidance vs. delivering a manuscript unassisted. The books that Judith Briles has steered our way have been award-winning and successful in their markets. It?s not an accident or coincidence. She works closely with her authors, from conception to structure to the ?look? of the finished book. Her authors know what to expect, when they are expecting. Her publishers know what they will get.?

David L. Hancock
Founder, Morgan James Publishing


?I had the opportunity to share with Katherine my ideas and future plans on promoting my book and starting a speaking career. She offered a lot of good advice, both practical and spiritual, and gave me several contacts to help me get started. Katherine is a very good listener who understands what it takes for someone who is taking the risk of starting a new career. She is responsive to questions and ideas and not shy when it comes to pointing out actions you need to take to reach your goals. I found her to be a caring, understanding and positive personal coach at helping put ideas and dreams to work.?

Mandy Ziegler
Publisher, When Your Spirit Calls: In Search of Your Spiritual Voice


?Yes, Katherine Carol is dynamic. Yes, she is charming. Yes, she radiates confidence and brings it out in her clients through her skilled training knowledge and her inspiring presentations and effective strategizing. Yes, yes, yes, yes?all that. But as I thought about the essence of Katherine?s skills and life philosophy, the description that seems to sum it up best for me is this: I?ve seldom met anyone as gifted as she is at teaching people how to turn lemons into lemon aid. Want to know how to outsmart bureaucracies? She?s your gal. Short of funds? She will show you how to get blood out of turnips. Need straight talk to end the nit-picking and nay-saying and get to the skinny? Meet the walking-talking ghost of Coach Lombardi.?

Dudley Lynch
Strategies for the Dolphin
President, Brain Technologies Corporation


?Katherine has unique business and leadership insights that derive from her ability to clearly see an individual?s or group?s needs. Her versatility in applying solutions to a wide range of business and organizational situations is unparalleled. From my vantage point, I have seen Katherine excel as both president of the Colorado Independent Publishers Association and as coach for many authors. Not surprisingly, her writing, in business articles and in her book, expertly draws on her strengths of perception and creativity.?

Shannon Parish
Former Administrator, CIPA Colorado Independent Book Publishers


?When I came to Dr Briles I was uncertain as what I was going to do, however, through her diligent guidance and clear direction I was able to get my project back on track and produce an award winning book. Dr Briles has put in place all the tools necessary for success. It takes a person who is willing to learn, look, listen and receive instruction from the master of book production ? Dr Briles.?

Dr Loren Due
Don?t Say a Word about This


?I will be grateful, always, to Judith Briles for mentoring me ? the only mentor I have ever had! She has had such a positive impact on my life. I try ? every single day ? to pass that gift on??

Marilyn Van Derbur
Miss America by Day


?Judith Briles, aka The Book Shepherd, is a true Shepherd of her flock. When I first hired Judith I thought I was ?almost there?. I didn?t know what I didn?t know. I had only just begun. I now consider myself transformed into much more than I had envisioned becoming. The best part: we?ve only just begun!?

Rhonda Spellman
The Journey, Home from Autism


?If you need a firm, yet compassionate, kick in the bum to get your writing project completed and out the door, Judith Briles is not only the clear choice?but the greatest value. Don?t spend a lot of money on a bunch of different consultants on writing and publishing; work with Judith first to help you create the best team for your writing project and increase your efficiency. Her salons with other authors cannot be beat, with one-on-one follow-up to keep you on track.?

Susan E. Mead, M.H.
Take Back Your Body

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Public invited to free presentation by international business expert ...

The public is invited to hear international information technology consultant Michael Hugos deliver the free presentation ?Success in the Global Markets? at 6:45 p.m. Wednesday, April 18, in North Central College?s Smith Hall at Old Main, 30 N. Brainard St., Naperville.

Hugos? presentation will address how Americans can compete in the international market and how working styles and cultures vary among the different countries where he has visited and worked.

Hugos is a principal at Center for Systems Innovation (c4si). He works with clients to find elegant solutions to complex problems with focus in supply chains, business intelligence and new business ventures. In recent years he has worked with clients and taught seminars in China, India, Ireland, Korea, Singapore, Turkey and Vietnam.

Earlier he spent six years as chief information officer of a national distribution organization where he developed a suite of supply chain and e-business systems that transformed the company's operations and revenue model. For his work he won the CIO 100 Award for resourcefulness, the InformationWeek 500 Award for innovation and the Premier 100 Award for career achievement.

He earned his MBA from Northwestern University?s Kellogg School of Management. He writes columns for Computerworld magazine and a blog for CIO magazine titled ?Doing Business in Real Time.? He has authored seven books including ?Essentials of Supply Chain Management, 3rd Ed.,? and ?Business in the Cloud: What Every Business Needs to Know about Cloud Computing.? Visit to learn more.

North Central College has introduced a distinctive new Master of International Business Administration (MIBA) degree. It is the Chicago region?s only such graduate-level program with an explicit focus on international business. Visit to learn more.

Entrepreneurship and small business management, international business, global studies, accounting, management and marketing are among more than 55 undergraduate majors and minors offered at North Central College. Visit to learn more.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Keystone ECO MarineCase Slim Waterproof Case for iPhone 4/4S

This IP58-certified Keystone ECO MarineCase from Concord Keystone protects the iPhone 4/4S from snow, rain, dust and sand.? You can use the iPhone through the clear silicone membrane on the front of the case to make calls, surf, check emails, and the like.? You can also take non-flash pictures and videos, even underwater, through the [...]

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It is in the location where this kind of UHF cell phone jammer will be ...

Optical storage fifth in the world, the world?s fifth wireless networking products, the world?s second Cable Modem (cable broadband modem). In 2004, ASUS has produced 42 million motherboards, digital means sold worldwide every year 3 desktop machines, there is a ASUS motherboard! Other countries articles: Germany: Siemens (SIEMENS) ? Siemens is the world?s largest electrical and electronics companies, was founded in 1847, the current CEO Dr. Klaus Kleinfeld. Siemens to enter China more than 120 years of history. Siemens business in China is the main pillars of its business in the Asia-Pacific region, and plays an increasingly pivotal role in the Siemens global business. Imported? cell phone jammer? is installed in the hallway of every floor.
Siemens business groups have entered China, active in China information and communications, automation and control, power, transportation, medical, lighting and home appliances such as industry, its core business areas of infrastructure construction and industrial solutions. UK: Vodafone (in vodafone KK) ? Vodafone, the predecessor of England pull Kaul specializes in mobile phone, a division of 1985 to set up a separate Vodafone telecom company. Is now the UK?s largest telecom operator, is the world?s largest mobile phone operator. Its mobile phone business throughout most of Europe and Japan. Vodafone Group in 2001 to invest $ 300 000 000 000 own strength to expand into 28 countries around the world. Imported? cell phone jammer? is also applicable to the architectural structure with hallway outside and room at one side.
Including acquired JapanTelecomHoldingsInc price of $ 11.5 billion. France: Alcatel (Alcatel) ? Alcatel is the supplier of the largest telecommunications infrastructure in the world today, is the earliest roots in China, a strong partner for long-term cooperation with China?s telecommunications industry. It is the first in France to establish the Valley, famous for the world. Alcatel is the only enterprise that can provide land, sea and air communications networks, is unique in the Chinese and foreign telecom companies. In the market, Alcatel is also a number of remarkable achievements, proud of the leading. Finland: Nokia (Nokia) ? Nokia is a global leader in the field of mobile communications. However, some student might say that shielding of cell phone signal by imported? cell phone jammer in class will violate student?s right of free communication.
With its rich experience and innovative technology, products and solutions, user-friendly features, reliability and quality, Nokia has not only become the world?s leading mobile phone supplier, is also a leading provider of mobile and IP networks. By two major business groups: Nokia Mobile Phones and Nokia Networks. In addition, it also includes a separate Nokia venture capital institutions and corporate R & D institutions: Nokia R & D center. The Netherlands: Royal Philips Electronics (Royal Philips Electronics) ? Royal Philips Electronics is one of the world?s largest electronics company in Europe, the top of the list. Its 2002 sales amounted to 31.8 billion euros, the world leader in color television sets, lighting, electric shavers, medical diagnostic imaging and patient monitoring, and the field of single-chip TV products. The cell phone signal is poor so that it can be shielded by low power imported? cell phone jammer .
Philips has 166,500 employees in over 60 countries active in the field of lighting, consumer electronics, home appliances, semiconductor and medical systems. Sweden: Electrolux (Electrolux) ? derived from the Swedish Electrolux company is one of the world?s largest home appliances company, is the world?s largest professional equipment manufacturers. Many national and regional markets in Europe, North America, Latin America ranks first two. Each year more than 60 million Electrolux Group products to enter the thousands of families around the world. Ericsson (LM Ericsson) ? established in 1876, so far, 128-year history, is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. The customer located in different places can choose different types of imported? ?? phone jammer.

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I wasn't even aware of the existence of penny auctions until about 6 weeks ago. Now I can't imagine buying anything other than food or clothing anyplace else. My favorite is at ( ) It took me a few days to figure out how to bid but now I am savings big bucks there. How they can sell iPads, Macbooks, HDTVs, Digital Cameras, Gaming Consoles, and more for steep discounts of 75%, 80%, or even 85% off retail price, I don't know. I do know that I bought my son an iPad there for less than $100 and my husband a $250 Lowe's gift card for $48. Why would I shop anyplace else?

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Monday, April 9, 2012

make money on the internet | Momoko Harada

Justify the fees of employing an online Marketer ? For starters, receiving an online commission autopilot review marketer will not be crucial for each and every web page. In case your web page is often a small business site or possibly a web-site which you intend to produce sales revenue from, it can be excellent to look for a knowledgeable world wide web marketer to focus on your internet site. The charges invested on the internet site for web marketing and advertising has got to be justified and typically, they may be justified by obtaining a lot more income and website traffic in your internet website.

Possible buyers should are aware that you can find no guarrantees in Search engine optimisation. Considering the fact that every little thing is essentially dependant on research engines, Web optimization do the job is with the mercy of key research engines like Google. Quite a few Web optimization organizations experimented with to protected clients with guarrantees which they are not able to fulfil, causing lawsuits or consumers gaining burned for choosing their Web optimization expert services.

Proficiently addressing all of such projects that happen to be crucial for
effective net advertising and marketing truly necessitates fairly an enormous talent
set. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses in different places of
world wide web advertising. It is actually perfect in case you have a web advertising
workforce produced up of people which can be net advertising
experts in all of such locations; even so, fact isn?t often
perfect. Since it is unusual for just about any just one person to get robust in
every of those regions the majority of people require skilled guidance from
a web promoting professional with a number of of your online
promotion duties.

For some packages, being an world wide web advertising organization affiliate you
should possess a internet site via which you marketplace your affiliate
applications mainly because some affiliate systems look at your internet site as
portion of their approval procedure and several only help you use
affiliate one-way links to them on the web-site. Furthermore on the
expense concerned with site progress a web
marketing and advertising firm affiliate also wants funding for net
advertising and marketing in the affiliate systems.

Widespread online advertising techniques made use of by an online promoting
business affiliate to advertise affiliate plans consist of look for
motor promotion, electronic mail advertising, linking campaigns,
distribution of professional content articles, viral advertising and marketing, and
participation in on-line newsgroups and community forums.

An extra phrase of suggestions: When you have
located a probable Online advertising and marketing accomplice,
do your very best to produce the preliminary meeting a
exclusive just one. Provided the world-wide naturel of your
World wide web, a face-to-face meeting might not be
achievable, but there?s normally the cellphone. Your
Net promotion look for has taken lots of
operate to ensure that since you may have produced a preference
in an online promoting associate you?ll want to
give that alternative the most effective potential for responding
favorably to you personally. The greater individual the
preliminary get in touch with the higher the likelihood that you simply
will solidify an online advertising and marketing spouse.

One particular of your minimum recognized, however a person in the most worthwhile
styles of Web promotion is online marketing. An internet
marketer can be a part of any affiliate method and showcase its merchandise
or providers on the web. You promote the items, obtain
consumers for your firm and be given a minimize or commission
for every sale you make from a promoting efforts. These
commissions can operate anyplace from 2% to through 50%. A person affiliate
simply click can generate you any place from the several cents to many
countless bucks.

Key 3rd social gathering affiliate plans or providers these as
Commission Junction, LinkShare, Amazon, Shareasale?
functions like a brokerage or go-between representing numerous
Major Brand name firms this kind of as Sony, Apple, Dell? to on the internet
affiliate marketers. Marketers can be a part of a application this sort of as
Commission Junction or LinkShare and have the ability to advertise and
current market hundred of major high quality solutions or expert services on-line. They
can consolidate their internet affiliate marketing by means of these
3rd get together plans.

The very last finest net advertising tactics to your household primarily based world-wide-web advertising technique is you. That you are quite possibly the most significant and important asset inside your small business. You might have to boost by yourself continuously. Finding out every little thing you must know on your enterprise can be a should. Also, you shouldn?t throw in the towel as well promptly when you cannot gain large capital within the shorter phrase. Genuinely business owners are constantly searching ahead towards the long lasting achievement. The on the internet web marketing and advertising company can be a serious enterprise. Using this feeling, you may have to deal with it as genuine company.

The authentic keys for your achievement are to enhance by yourself, the ideal beneficial asset in the organization, and also to make consistency your on the net web marketing and advertising small business normally.

Last ideas, the top world-wide-web advertising approaches for the hugely thriving in residence centered web marketing and advertising business enterprise are: nicely productive researches, front-back promote, wise utilization, automate proficiently, and self-improvement consistency. With these issues, there?s no question that you?ll achievement within the residence centered web promoting enterprise.

World wide web advertising and marketing and super affiliate millionaires carry experienced prospective buyers to destinations they comprehend the ecommerce customer would like to go. They are doing not mislead the buyer and so they perform difficult to supply services and products, which they recognize the buyer would like to get. The ideal Online marketers and major affiliates help it become straightforward and productive to the Net purchaser to help make a order. Quite possibly the most prosperous Net marketers understand that personal promotional pages are strong sponges for skilled web site targeted traffic. Promotional pages are designed to carry the buyer fast entry to asked for facts, enabling that Web purchaser to help make a fast and certified buy determination. Net advertising and marketing professionals assemble affiliate relationships to establish communities all around unique vertical markets. These market communities offer e commerce prospective buyers with many goods suitable to capable interests. Thriving World-wide-web marketers and super affiliates will not end with the very first sale, they get the job done tough to obtain repeat purchaser shopping for styles and greater shopper curiosity.

The very last trait, and most likely most crucial, is enthusiasm. Millionaire World wide web marketers and super affiliates appreciate what they are doing. Their enthusiasm reveals by in almost everything they touch, and experienced prospective buyers of ecommerce gravitate to that. Joyful, competent e commerce readers are productive prospective buyers and make fast obtain choices. It really is no ponder these consumers are prosperous.

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Commercial Financing Advice ? Commercial Lenders to Avoid ...

This commercial financing

article will describe the importance of avoiding ?problem commercial lenders?. The article will NOT name specific lenders to avoid, but key examples to illustrate why is pre prudent commercial borrowers should be prepared to avoid a wide variety of existing commercial lenders in their search for viable commercial financing.

I have been advising business owners for over 25 years, and I have encountered many commercial financing situations have involved commercial lenders Which I would not recommend that as a result. These problematic situations have involved especially commercial mortgage loans, credit card factoring and unsecured business loans. As a direct result of these experiences and daily conversations with other commercial financing professionals, I do in fact believe that there are a number of commercial lenders that should be avoided. This conclusion is based on more than one Typically negative experience or obvious pattern of lending abuses at. I have published many articles designed to assist Which are commercial borrowers in avoiding commercial financing problems. One of the most serious commercial financing situations is a commercial lender that causes problems for their commercial borrowers on a recurring basis. It is this type of commercial lender Particularly Which prudent commercial borrowers should be prepared to avoid unless viable alternative commercial financing options Thurs realistically not exist. Here are a few examples of why Certain commercial lenders should be avoided. ? / p> COMMERCIAL FINANCING AND COMMERCIAL LENDERS TO AVOID EXAMPLE NUMBER 1 ? Yes or No

I have published an article Which discusses the tendency of many banks to say ?? YES ?when they mean? NO ?. Search Typically banks will attach onerous conditions to commercial financing business loans instead of simply declining the loan. . Business owners should explore other alternatives before accepting business loan commercial financing terms that put them at a competitive Disadvantage


For commercial real estate loans, commercial appraisals are On unavoidable part of the commercial loan underwriting process. The commercial appraisal process is lengthy and expensive, so avoiding commercial lenders have displayed a pattern of Which problems and abuses in this area will benefit the commercial borrower by saving them both time and money.


In smaller metropolitan markets, it is not unusual for a dominant commercial lender to impose harsher commercial financing terms than would Typically be seen in a more competitive commercial loan market. Search commercial lenders routinely take advantage of a relative lack of other commercial lenders in their local market. Appropriate response by commercial borrowers to is to seek out non-bank commercial financing options. It is neither wise nor Necessary for commercial borrowers to depend only upon local traditional banks for commercial financing solutions. For most commercial loan situations, a non-local and non-bank commercial lender is likely to Provide improved commercial financing terms because they are accustomed to competing aggressively with other commercial lenders.

Copyright 1995-2007 AEX Commercial Financing Group and Stephen Bush. All Rights Reserved.

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

No No For Face ? Is It Really Safe? ? Beauty, Health and Fitness

The new model 8800 No No for face is now available in a 60 day trial. The model uses patented thermicon technology to seamlessly remove hair from even the most sensitive areas. Some people may be hesitant to try the No No device on their face however it is relieving to know that using No No for face is 100% safe.

When using the No No product, it is important to follow all the manufacturer?s recommendations. This will ensure that you are using the product as recommended and that you will be 100% safe. According to the official No No website, it is best to use the narrow thermicon tip that is included for small and sensitive areas. For larger areas, the wider thermicon tip is more appropriate. In addition, when applying the No No for face treatments, it is highly recommended to start at the lowest most comfortable treatment level. This will allow you to make sure you are taking precaution with your facial skin which is quite delicate.

Another point to be aware of when using the No No device for your face is that you will need to remove the hair that has crystallized. You can do this with the enclosed buffer just be sure not to press down too hard on the skin while buffing this delicate area. Alternately you can use a gentle exfoliating lotion if you prefer not to use a buffer to remove the crystallized hair. Once you have completed your facial treatment, be sure to apply a moisturizing lotion to your skin that is alcohol free. No No smooth is the name of the lotion that works very well after using the No No device. This hair remover is both safe and effective and will easily remove any facial hair effortlessly.

All in all, using the No No for face is an extremely safe and convenient option for facial hair removal. Women who experience upper lip hair can find this hair remover especially helpful in getting rid of that unwanted excess hair. Men too will find that the No No for face easily replaces shaving as the hair remover of choice. For best results, users should commit to using the system repeatedly to aid in permanent hair removal. Users will find that using No No for face is one of the easiest and most pain free ways to remove facial hair without hassle simply and efficiently.

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Mega Memories online software allows you complete control over ...

Have you literally thousands of photographs stored on your computer desktop, and are struggling to arrange them? Have you ever incurred the embarrassment of inviting your nearest and dearest over for a visit with the view to sharing your holiday snaps, only to struggle to locate the album on your PC or Mac? If this sounds frustrating familiar then the digital photo books software that Mega Memories can offer you will certainly appeal.

Here at Mega Memories our digital photo books are as simple to install as they are easy to navigate. As an innovative tool they resolve all the issues of storing and sharing your photo albums, and we?re confident that once you install our photo books software that you?ll wonder just how you ever lived without it!

Indeed, the operation of these photo books is as easy as one, two, three.

First, all you need to do is select the photo book software package that is most-suited to your individual purposes. We offer a wealth of photo books options from you to choose from. Whether you require one of our photo books for landscape or portrait pictures, or have a specific photo books size in mind, then here at Mega Memories our range of options will surely cater to your requirements.

Once you have purchases the photo books software that is best-suited to your individual needs you need only select the pictures that you?d like to carefully arrange in the photo books and drag the files into the photobook of your choice.

Mega Memories selection of options allows you the opportunity to completely customise your own designs, so you can complete a design that is pleasing to the eye, as well as provide you with a completely organised process to store your memories.

If you?d like to find out any more information about our products, or indeed to contact us with any questions that you may have about the process, then you need only come and visit us online at:

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