Friday, December 14, 2012

18 and Under: Understanding How Children Develop Empathy

The mother was trying to hold the baby still, and I was pulling gently on the ear, angling for a better look at the infant?s eardrum. The wriggling baby didn?t like any of it, and her whimpering quickly turned to full-fledged wails.

Suddenly the baby?s 3-year-old brother, an innocent bystander in no danger of having his own ears examined, began to wail as well, creating the kind of harmonic cacophony that makes passers-by wince in recognition. And the poor mother, her hands full, could only look over and reassure him: Your sister is O.K., don?t worry, don?t feel bad.

But really, was that why the 3-year-old was crying? Was he tired and frustrated, scared by the noise, jealous of his mother?s attention? Or was he, in fact, upset because his sister was upset ? an early step toward empathy, sympathy, kindness and charity?

The capacity to notice the distress of others, and to be moved by it, can be a critical component of what is called prosocial behavior, actions that benefit others: individuals, groups or society as a whole. Psychologists, neurobiologists and even economists are increasingly interested in the overarching question of how and why we become our better selves.

How do children develop prosocial behavior, and is there in fact any way to encourage it? If you do, will you eventually get altruistic adults, the sort who buy shoes for a homeless man on a freezing night, or rush to lift a commuter pushed onto the subway tracks as the train nears?

Nancy Eisenberg, a professor of psychology at Arizona State University, is an expert on the development in children of prosocial behavior, ?voluntary behavior intended to benefit another.? Such behavior is often examined through the child?s ability to perceive and react to someone else?s distress. Attempts at concern and reassurance can be seen in children as young as 1.

Dr. Eisenberg draws a distinction between empathy and sympathy: ?Empathy, at least the way I break it out, is experiencing the same emotion or highly similar emotion to what the other person is feeling,? she said. ?Sympathy is feeling concern or sorrow for the other person.? While that may be based in part on empathy, she said, or on memory, ?it?s not feeling the same emotion.?

By itself, intense empathy ? really feeling someone else?s pain ? can backfire, causing so much personal distress that the end result is a desire to avoid the source of the pain, researchers have found. The ingredients of prosocial behavior, from kindness to philanthropy, are more complex and varied.

They include the ability to perceive others? distress, the sense of self that helps sort out your own identity and feelings, the regulatory skills that prevent distress so severe it turns to aversion, and the cognitive and emotional understanding of the value of helping.

Twin studies have suggested that there is some genetic component to prosocial tendencies. When reacting to an adult who is pretending to be distressed, for example, identical twins behave more like each other than do fraternal twins. And as children grow up, these early manifestations of sympathy and empathy become part of complex decision-making and personal morality.

?There is some degree of heritability,? said Carolyn Zahn-Waxler, a senior research scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who has done some of these twin studies. But she notes that the effect is small: ?There is no gene for empathy, there is no gene for altruism. What?s heritable may be some personality characteristics.?

Scott Huettel, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Duke, described two broad theories to explain prosocial behavior. One, he said, was essentially motivational: It feels good to help other people. Economists have also looked at the question of altruism, and have hypothesized about a ?warm glow effect? to account for charitable giving.

Experimental studies have shown that the same brain region that is activated when people win money for themselves is active when they give to charity ? that is, that there is a kind of neurologic ?reward? built into the motivational system of the brain.

?Charitable giving can activate the same pleasure-reward centers, the dopaminergic centers, in the brain that are very closely tied to habit formation,? said Bill Harbaugh, an economist at the University of Oregon who studies altruism. ?This suggests it might be possible to foster the same sorts of habits for charitable giving you see with other sorts of habits.?

The other theory of prosocial behavior, Dr. Huettel said, is based on social cognition ? the recognition that other people have needs and goals. The two theories aren?t mutually exclusive: Cognitive understanding accompanied by a motivational reward reinforces prosocial behavior.

But shaping prosocial behavior is a tricky business. For instance, certain financial incentives seem to deter prosocial impulses, a phenomenon called reward undermining, Dr. Huettel said.

Consider that in the United States, historically, blood donors could be paid, but not in Britain. And the British donated more blood. ?When you give extrinsic motivations, they can supplant the intrinsic ones,? he said.

What would the experts say about fostering prosocial behavior in children, from kindness on to charity?

Parental modeling is important, of course; sympathy and compassion should be part of children?s experience long before they know the words.

?Explain how other people feel,? Dr. Eisenberg said. ?Reflect the child?s feelings, but also point out, look, you hurt Johnny?s feelings.?

Don?t offer material rewards for prosocial behavior, but do offer opportunities to do good ? opportunities that the child will see as voluntary. And help children see themselves and frame their own behavior as generous, kind, helpful, as the mother in my exam room did.

Working with a child?s temperament, taking advantage of an emerging sense of self and increasing cognitive understanding of the world and helped by the reward centers of the brain, parents can try to foster that warm glow and the worldview that goes with it. Empathy, sympathy, compassion, kindness and charity begin at home, and very early.


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More Than Coffee

When it comes to church, it seems coffee is everywhere. ?Because of its?significant?visibility, people often use it as a way (or sometimes the way) of enacting change for the good. ?Thankfully, as a result of conversations about what should be offered, many congregations have chosen to transition to fair trade coffee served in more environmentally friendly cups.?Thomas Turner, program manager at International Justice Mission, recently blogged about the importance of these changes being a starting point rather than an end unto themselves. ?He writes:

?. . . fair trade coffee is not enough. The church needs an ethic that governs the way food is procured and joyfully consumed within the church.

So What?

Just as is true for individuals, so also for congregations: actions often speak more loudly than words. ?How well is your congregation handling coffee? ?The larger issue of all food and drink served on the church campus and off campus for church sponsored events?



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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Video: Public attitude toward same-sex marriage changing

Long-extinct lizard named after Obama

Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: The mass extinction that killed off the dinosaurs also did in lots of lizards ? including a newly identified creature that's been named Obamadon gracilis in honor of President Barack Obama.


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The Factors Affecting The Effectiveness Of SEO Service - Tech Wench

Posted December 10, 2012 /

Internet marketing is the latest marketing trend that targets the online audience. With the present world heavily reliant on the internet, there is no ...

Internet marketing is the latest marketing trend that targets the online audience. With the present world heavily reliant on the internet, there is no reason not to engage in acquiring a percentage of the online population. Although an effective marketing strategy is to both engage in actual marketing strategies and internet marketing, it is very hard not to see the advantages doing marketing online has over its actual counterpart. There are a lot of strategies involved in internet marketing. There is affiliate marketing, social network media marketing, and the most popular method, SEO.

Search Engine Optimization makes a company acquire good ranking on search engine sites. This is the means of increasing the online presence of a brand or a business entity. It is not enough for a business to engage in internet marketing. In order for it to stand out and acquire the most number of customers online, a company must employ the best SEO strategies. Every company that is aware of the potential of the online population is already engage in some sort of SEO. The challenge is to come up with the perfect formula to utilize SEO its maximum effectiveness. ?There are several factors to consider in attaining the ideal SEO strategy.

The price is to the effectiveness of an SEO service.

There are a lot of ways to acquire online presence without paying so much money. But the thing is that these organic techniques are constantly getting handled by search sites. Sooner or later, modifications will be necessary to conform to new SEO parameters of search engines. Recently, Google developed the Panda and Penguin update that caused a lot of websites to crash in their rankings.

Paid advertisement and paid SEO are protected against these kinds of algorithm changes. This does not mean that search engines favor businesses that pay for ranking, but as people say business is business. However, there are organic SEO strategies that are still applicable to the ever changing parameters of search engines.

Hiring an agency that specializes in SEO can be expensive. But the funds shelled out to acquire such service should be considered as investment. Provided that the service agency delivers good results, the expense will spell returns and profits in the long run.

The credibility of the service provider determines the effectiveness of the service. When selecting the SEO specialists to be hired, make sure that it has a great portfolio of success. To minimize the risk of hiring the wrong agency, ask for referrals from successful SEO websites or make an extensive research before hiring. Another strategy to minimize the risk of losing too much marketing money on the wrong contractors is to make partitions or phases then outsourcing the service per phase. Hire a contractor for website content and hire another one for the web design. Acquire the service of another contractor for consultation and another to execute more advanced SEO strategies.

The concept that the more expensive the service, the more effective it is. There are a lot of SEO companies that offers a relatively affordable service fee and delivers great results. There are a lot of means to cut SEO costs and still achieve the desired output and improve online visibility.

The SEO method used makes or breaks a website. The most important factor to consider in attaining site optimization is the SEO method used for a website. It is very obvious that each and every website varies in one way or another. Diversity is already present in terms of the business venture of websites. Although there are general SEO techniques that work for any website, it is obvious that a method of SEO that works for website A would not always be effective for website B. It should also be noted that achieving a respectable rank in search sites could not be done with a single SEO strategy. It has to be a combination of various SEO methods that are designed to match the business or the brand represented by the website.

Here are some SEO methods applicable to any business website

  1. Social Network SEO ? This is a very easy and effective means of optimizing a website. A good social network visibility affects the ranking on some search sites. It is important to be updated on the current activities of the page on a regular basis to retain the popularity and relevance to the website.
  2. Off Site / On Site SEO? This is the SEO services usually acquired through contractors such as blogs, guest blogs, press releases, and articles. Make sure that these content are not duplicated and not plagiarized. Link baits are also a good way to increase link sharing and website popularity.

There is a specific SEO technique that websites should stay away from. Black Hat SEO misleads visitors and is often hidden from search site checkers. No matter how tempting it may be, bear in mind that this technique degrades the relevance of the keyword, lowers the worth of the website, and eventually can cause the website to be removed completely from the index.

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Cedric Loiselle is a highly talented writer providing quality articles for a wide range of niches. These include business and finance, Internet and SEO, as well as home improvement and real estate.

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